Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Joy (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Joy                                                                                           Day 30

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Psalm 34:8

We are often told of various dishes that are pleasing to the tongue. We may hear of many fine cuisines. However, in order for us to know whether these treats truly are delicious to us, we have to personally try them for ourselves.

When we personally try God and sample the goodness that comes through Him, we can see for ourselves just how good He is. His goodness is not one that may appeal to some and be an acquired taste for others. Those who are willing to fully taste of the Lord want more of Him.

It has been said that “faith is the soul’s taste.” Thus, when we apply our faith, have confidence in God, and allow the Lord to be more than just a flavor of the month, we will experience His goodness. Tasting the Lord’s glory and revealing His goodness in our lives can encourage others to trust in Him, too. They may seek to personally know His joy for themselves.

Let us not only listen to others who know of God’s goodness. Let us have our own personal confidence in Him and see His goodness in our own lives. Like a sweet dish, let us enjoy and freely tell others, “Hmmm. . . the Lord is good!” 

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