Monday, December 15, 2014

Joy (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Joy                                                                                           Day 33

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

There are so many areas of life in which we may choose to place our joy: personal accomplishments, family, relationships, finances, the life of or the hope of a child, etc. We may experience our greatest highs and joys from successes in these areas. Unfortunately, we may also discover our deepest disappointments and lows from setbacks and failures in these very same areas of life. Occasionally, we face challenges so severe that all we once considered to be of the utmost importance begins to seem small. We feel that all we worked for has been lost forever.

During our struggles, let us never forget that we can experience true joy again. When we encounter dark clouds in our lives, let us not forget our eternal sun - the Son of God. Though our pain is real and will never be erased, our eternal Son is greater than our temporary sufferings. While we cherish and cling to our memories of who or what was lost, let us remember the eternal joy we will one day claim. When we express our humanity by way of our tears, let us not forget the glory that will be revealed to us through our faithfulness.

Let us show the world that in spite of our storms, we know there is still abundant joy through Christ. Let us reveal to the world that our joy is simply a fruit of the Holy Spirit living in us. Let us remember that the difficulty of our circumstances pales in comparison to the eternal joy awaiting us.

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