Monday, December 1, 2014

Joy (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Joy                                                                                           Day 29

The LORD has done great things for us,  And we are glad.
Psalm 126:3

There are courses to help teenage drivers learn how alcohol affects and impairs their ability to drive. One strategy utilized requires the students to wear goggles that simulate impairment by blurring their vision. The students then attempt to drive golf carts around cones in a parking lot. Usually, the students knock over cone after cone. They do not realize how easy the course is to maneuver until they remove their goggles.

It is easy for us to have the same experience with God. There are times that our vision becomes blurred, and we fail to recognize the great things God has done for us. When our misplaced desires and concerns impair our vision, we may not see how blessed we are. Instead of recognizing and acknowledging all that we do have in our lives, we steal our own gladness. We choose to focus on what we do not have, could have, or what others have.

There are times that we may forget our own pasts and become blind to all that God has brought us through. Some complain about going to work on Monday and forget how they excitedly praised God when they first received that job. Some disregard the loved ones God has placed in their lives and forget their moments of past loneliness. At times, we may even submit to the discouragement of those who suggest that we have nothing to be glad about, even though we can clearly remember all that God has done for us.

Let us strive to remove all that impairs our ability to see the great things God has done for us. Let us take an account of how good He has been in our lives. Let us seek to be glad. 

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