Monday, March 23, 2015

Kindness (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Kindness                                                                                 Day 61

Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Luke 6:37

During courtroom trials, a verdict is not given until all the evidence has been presented. Only then does a judge or jury make a decision about the case. Away from court, it has become common for opinions and critiques to be made about a person based on individual acts or associations. How would we appear if God treated us based on a moment’s glance during our past failures or times of weakness? If we were to be judged based on our fruit, we would hope that the decision would not be made until we were fully ripe.

Our acts or attitudes of kindness to others should not focus on temporary or former circumstances. We can choose to be kind regardless of someone’s past acts or current situation. Our kindness should have a long term and eternal view. This view allows us to be kind, regardless of the moment. Our kindness should never condone what is wrong. However, we should never forget the grace that God abundantly provides.

Let us be mindful that our momentary acts of kindness may be the God-sent, spiritual inspiration someone needs to grow closer to Him. While we continue to grow ourselves, let us be careful in what we say to others or about others. We all need forgiveness. So, let us treat others with a kindness that reflects the grace God has given each of us.

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