Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Joy (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Joy                                                                                           Day 34

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11

Isn’t it great to know that we have a Savior who has promised that by remaining connected to Him, we will always have access to joy? In fact, as Jesus prepared the disciples for His crucifixion, He explained that He had shared His teachings with them so that they may be fruitful and have joy; not only that they have joy, but that their joy remain in them. Thus, during their dark times ahead, they could still be filled with joy.

We all experience ups and downs. There will be seasons for our highest successes and accomplishments. Likewise, there will be times when we encounter our darkest valleys. During our difficult periods, we may wish that we could have bottled up some of our prior joys for safekeeping until our moments of despair.

There are no real genies in bottles, but we do have access to the true joy that freely flows through Christ. He is more than a glass container that we break open in case of emergency. Through Christ, we can remain mindful of the eternal peace that awaits us. Through Him, we may faithfully cling to the knowledge of God’s steady hand over our lives.

Let us be connected to Jesus as a branch to a vine and tap into the joy available through Him. Let us seek to have His joy remain in us and to be filled by His joy. Then, no matter the circumstance we can proclaim, “I still have joy!”

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