Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Love                                                                                        Day 24

18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 19 And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.
1 John 3:18-19

Real life stories of abuse and domestic violence are becoming more exposed with each passing year. Commonly, the excuse of love is provided as a faulty explanation provided by parents who abuse their children and by spouses who perpetrate physical and verbal violence towards another spouse. These abusers fail to recognize that love is not simply spoken, but is shown.

Speaking the word love does not equate with the real quality of love that should exist in our actions and hearts. While we, hopefully, do not go to the extreme of abuse, we too can look to our actions to examine whether we truly show love to those around us. For many, the problem is not in showing appropriate love to associates in public. The problem is in showing and acting out love to those who are closest to us. Let us aim to reveal a Christ-like loving spirit to all.

Christ showed His love for us and took abuse for us. He did not abuse others. Because of what Christ did, we know the pure heart of the Son. What would an examination of our hearts reveal about our love? Do your actions show the fruit of love?

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