Monday, November 3, 2014

Love (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Love                                                                                        Day 21

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Humanity can be inhumane. In every century, there have been attempts to lessen the value of certain individuals. Today, certain people are still demeaned due to their race, income, nationality, gender, lifestyle, etc.

On occasion, those who are different are presented as having lives of lesser value than others. Even in news reports about distant wars or events nearby, the deaths of certain individuals are often reported as being less newsworthy than others (or not newsworthy at all). When it comes to sin, some Christians even seem to suggest that people who have committed specific acts, have various addictions, or have lived certain lifestyles are unworthy of salvation.

While we continue to attribute value based on particular categories, God subscribes to a different valuation system. God has a whoever valuation approach. No matter the origin, history, past mistakes, or present circumstances, whoever believes in Christ has everlasting life. God so loved the whole world that he made salvation available to whoever.

Do you live by a whoever kind of love and treat others with love, whoever they are? Do you love beyond biological, social, and economic barriers? Can you see beyond sin to love a sinner? Falling short of living by God’s standard does not stop God from loving us. What is your excuse? Let us all learn to have a whoever kind of love.

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