Monday, July 6, 2015

Gentleness (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Gentleness                                                                              Day 90

When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2

We have seen it time and time again. Pastors, politicians, business leaders, and athletes have all publicly fallen. At one moment, they reach or are on the way to accomplishing new personal heights. Next, the results of their sin and its shameful results are revealed. These failings and trapping, however, are not limited to public figures. We all have encountered or experienced similar challenges on our own levels.

During our successes, it is important to remember that God has blessed us with our gifts, opportunities, or prosperity. Just as Satan tempted Jesus, we also will be tested. However, we can turn our temptations and tests into a testament about God’s role in our lives. Having humility like Jesus will allow us to listen and receive Godly wisdom to overcome our trials. When we are humble, we move beyond paying too much attention to ourselves. Instead, we recognize how to serve others.

No matter how proud we feel of any act we have done, nothing can compare to the sacrifice of Christ. It surpasses all others. Christ is the model of humility. He is the only one who has ever saved the eternal lives of all humanity - dead, living, and yet to live. Let us wise up to the power of God, humble ourselves, and acknowledge His power over our lives. Let us accept that it is better to be humble than to be humbled.

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