Monday, February 23, 2015

Patience (The Fruit of the Spirit in You)

Patience                                                                                  Day 53

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.
1 Thessalonians 5:14

Has anyone ever annoyed you? This is often described as getting on someone’s nerves. Has there been someone whose mannerisms and actions aggravated you such that you did not want to be in their presence? Some people are easily bothered by those who regularly misbehave. Others become frustrated with those who are negatively considered whiny, and who complain about handling the smallest of tasks.

We may encounter people like this in our families, jobs, and churches. Often, the temptation or practice is to avoid any potential encounters with them in order to keep a positive mindset or so that we do not disturb our day. However, when we choose to display the patience of the Spirit, we may find constructive ways to interact with those we once avoided.

We may not be able to completely adjust the behavior of others. We may, however, be able to help others face their own issues when we patiently strive to be more like Christ. By being patient with others, we may discover that their behavior is actually a cry for help. We may even come to recognize just how often others have regularly been patient with us. Let us allow others to experience the love of Christ through our patience.

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